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Steve Schmidt - Drive Safe Missoula
1 min read
Are you noticing what KPAX is doing?
KPAX is deserving of a HUGE SHOUT OUT for their ongoing commitment of keeping DUI prevention in the spot light. KPAX is being proactive...

Steve Schmidt - Drive Safe Missoula
3 min read
Safe Travels this Holiday Season.
It's the holiday season, and that means that many people are going to be traveling, especially this year. AAA is predicting 53.4 million...

Steve Schmidt - Drive Safe Missoula
2 min read
How to avoid the words, "Yeah, but you..." from your kids.
Long before I was a parent, I heard this statement, "When it comes to raising children, more stuff is caught than taught." What does that...

Steve Schmidt - Drive Safe Missoula
3 min read
Is it an Accident or is it a Crash?
Long before working here at Drive Safe Missoula, I spent eight years as a Police Officer for the Kansas City, Missouri Police Department....
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