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Steve Schmidt - Drive Safe Missoula
2 min read
Worth Every Second
If you missed Missoula's Justice Equity Diversity & Inclusion (JEDI) Summit's Key Note Speaker, here's your chance to view it on Missoula...

Steve Schmidt - Drive Safe Missoula
3 min read
Sometimes I wish I was still a Police Officer. (This is a bit of a rant.)
The above photo was taken at 7:33 a.m. here in Missoula this morning. It's snowing, and the forecast indicates that the winter storm we...

Steve Schmidt - Drive Safe Missoula
1 min read
Thanks for being a "Smart Turkey"
What do I mean? Well, for starters you wear your seat belt 100% of the time! And only drive100% sober. That's pretty smart! I also...

Steve Schmidt - Drive Safe Missoula
2 min read
"You" get a car seat and "You" get a car seat...
We all know that this economy is flexing our budgets in many ways andeven essential items difficult to afford, especially if you are...

Steve Schmidt - Drive Safe Missoula
1 min read
There might be something wrong with your vehicle!
No, I'm not trying to reach you about your vehicle's warranty, but I want to give you an opportunity to check right now if your vehicle...

Steve Schmidt - Drive Safe Missoula
1 min read
Mythbusting: A 5-Point Harness Is Safer Than A Booster Seat for Older Kids
First, as part of National Child Passenger Safety Week, I'm encouraging parents and caregivers to spend some time to ensure that the...

Steve Schmidt - Drive Safe Missoula
1 min read
DUI ROAD Court Graduation - Cliff Fontaine
Here's a link to the orgional article in the Missoulian

Steve Schmidt - Drive Safe Missoula
1 min read
100,000+ people at the Western Monta Fair
According to this KPAX article, the Western Montana Fair had more than 100,000 fair goers

Steve Schmidt - Drive Safe Missoula
1 min read
100 Deadliest Days of Summer
Thanks NBC Montana and Darren Winberg for doing a story about Safe Driving here in Missoua and Montana. Here's a link to their story and...

Steve Schmidt - Drive Safe Missoula
1 min read
My #1 video for Parents
This is my top video that could save your kids life. Now and in the future, but it's up to you. Quick Tip: You can speed the video up on...

Steve Schmidt - Drive Safe Missoula
2 min read
Thank You for Driving Safer!
For several years before the COVID-19 pandemic traffic-related serious injuries and deaths were on a downward trend. It was great to...

Steve Schmidt - Drive Safe Missoula
2 min read
Mike Tyson and a gallon of milk get in a crash.
Would you let someone smack you in the head with a gallon of milk? No really. Let's say they were able to swing the gallon of milk at...

Steve Schmidt - Drive Safe Missoula
2 min read
I'm a better driver because of my seatbelt.
I have never heard a single person say, "I'm a better driver because of my seatbelt." Picture this. You are an excellent driver, and you...

Steve Schmidt - Drive Safe Missoula
1 min read
The Newest Car Seat Techs in Montana
Montana gained 15 new Child Passenger Safety Technicians on Friday. These are superhero people from agencies all around Montana. They...

Steve Schmidt - Drive Safe Missoula
3 min read
Can you spot the Fake?
So, you are shopping for a car seat for your new little one? You understand that your child will be the most important cargo you will...

Steve Schmidt - Drive Safe Missoula
1 min read
Winning About the Weather with Mark Heyka Featuring Kira and Kevi
One of the strongest collaborations Drive Safe Missoula has is with the Foundation for Community Health and Safe Kids Missoula. To learn...

Steve Schmidt - Drive Safe Missoula
2 min read
Pedestrian Safety in Missoula
Safe Kids Missoula and Drive Safe Missoula have teamed up to provide tips for kids walking to school safely. “In 2019, there were 6,205...

Steve Schmidt - Drive Safe Missoula
2 min read
Imagine that I choose to not wear my seatbelt Imagine the other driver crashing into my car. Imagine how I fly across the passenger...

Steve Schmidt - Drive Safe Missoula
2 min read
Can you spot the pattern?
This past week has been a deadly week on our roadways, and it didn't need to be. There have been many articles written about the...

Steve Schmidt - Drive Safe Missoula
1 min read
It's Okay to Be Mad. DUI Laws in Montana and around the world.
Looking at this infographic from Dräger, I like Utah's Blood Alcohol Limit I like the 90 Days for a first DUI in Minnesota I appreciate...
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