Child Passenger Safety
Car Seat Vouchers
Need assistance obtaining a Car Seat or Booster Seat?
We may be able to help

Important Information About Our Car Seats
We have a limited number of car seats available
Our annual budget to purchase car seats and booster seats is limited to $1000.
​Our seats are reserved for families and caregivers who are receiving some form of public assistance.​
We typically purchase convertible car seats (i.e., Cosco Scenara Next)
Convertible car seats often provide the families with the ability to use the car seat from day one through the child's preschool years and often times beyond. (5 to 40 lbs.)
We occasionally purchase Infant-only car seats for new babies weighing less than 5 pounds.
These seats often have a maximum weight limit of 30 pounds.​
The Booster seats we typically purchase have a weight range from 30 to 100 pounds. (i.e., Cosco Finale 2-in1 Booster Seat)
We do not take requests to purchase specific car seats, however, we may be able to assist with car seats for children with special needs.
We do our best to purchase a variety of colors (i.e., Grey, Blue, Pink, etc.) to accommodate different children, but we may not have your desired color choice in stock.
We are often at the mercy of local retail inventories.​