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Knuckles for Buckles
You've likely played some of the classic road trip games like Slug Bug, ISpy, Name Game and others.
Well here's fun safety seat belt game for the whole family to play at the start of each and every trip.

Just Released
Knuckles for Buckles - The Song
Knuckles For Buckles - The Song
00:00 / 01:36

Get Buckled Up (Correctly) in your car seat, booster seat, or with a seatbelt.
Give Knuckles (aka: Fist Bump) to everyone else who is buckled up as you say, "Knuckles 4 Buckles!"
​Can't reach each other? No problem, just do "Knuckles" to the roof as you say "Knuckles 4 Buckles!"​
Some people shorten the name and say "Knucks for Bucks."
Knuckles For Buckles Rules

Knuckles For Buckles - Radio Ad
00:00 / 00:29
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