100,000+ people at the Western Monta Fair

According to this KPAX article, the Western Montana Fair had more than 100,000 fair goers
Drive Safe Missoula is genuinely honored to have been out there for every bit. We talked to many people, and it felt like it was all 100,000 of them. We were able to share the Respect The Cage story from morning to night. Our goal, on behalf of the families involved with the trailer, is to help people choose to always wear their seat belts and to always drive 100% sober.
We are honored to share this story and hope it continues to make a difference. It was heartwarming to see and speak with many of Jeremy's friends & family members. Thank you for letting us continue to share Jeremy's story with our community.
Thank you to everyone who shared their personal stories with us. It means a lot for us to listen, and we appreciate your time.
Thanks to all the volunteers who spent countless hours in the heat. I appreciate your time and dedication to our community. Thank you.
We look forward to seeing you all out there again next year. In the meantime, please Drive Safe Missoula.
