Celebrating Missoula's Record High Seat Belt Usage!
Dear Missoula Community,
We have some fantastic news to share, and we couldn't be more excited! Last month, Drive Safe Missoula conducted seat belt counts at seven different intersections across our wonderful city. Out of 1,963 vehicles observed, an incredible 95.62% of front-seat occupants were buckled up! 🎉

This is a significant improvement from previous years, where we've consistently seen seat belt usage in the 92% range. Your commitment to safety is shining through, and we want to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who is making the choice to buckle up every time they get in a vehicle. Oh, and to highlight how much we've improved over the years...way back in 1987 only 34% of Missoula vehicle occupants were wearing seat belts.
Why This Matters
Wearing a seat belt is one of the simplest and most effective ways to protect yourself and your loved ones on the road. Have you ever considered how your decision to buckle up makes such a big difference?
Reduces Risk of Injury: Did you know that seat belts reduce serious crash-related injuries and deaths by about half?
Protects Loved Ones: When you buckle up, you are setting a positive example for others in the vehicle, especially children, because they are watching you, aren't they?
Supports Community Safety: Our high seat belt usage contribute to overall road safety, benefiting everyone who shares the road.

Connecting to Montana's Vision Zero
Our collective efforts align with Montana's Vision Zero initiative, which aims for zero deaths and zero serious injuries on our roadways. While we're making great strides locally, there's still work to be done statewide:
As of October 29, 2024, there have been 170 roadway fatalities across Montana.
76 of these fatalities were a result of improper restraints.
This time last year, there were 165 fatalities.
These numbers remind us of the importance of our mission. Could continuing to prioritize seat belt use help us reduce these tragic statistics?
Let's Keep the Momentum Going!
Your dedication has brought us this far, and together, we can aim even higher. How can we continue to make a difference?
Lead by Example: Could we all make it a habit to always wear our seat belts and ensure all passengers are buckled up before driving?
Spread the Word: How might we encourage friends and family to prioritize seat belt use?
Stay Informed: What are some ways we can keep up with local safety initiatives and support efforts to improve road safety?
Don't just take my word for it, check out the new state wide traffic safety program called Engage!
A Heartfelt Thank You
We are incredibly proud of our community's commitment to safety. Your actions are saving lives and making Missoula a safer place for everyone. Will you join us in continuing to work together toward our shared goal of zero fatalities and serious injuries on our roads?

Keep up the great work, Missoula
