Driven by Data
We live in a world where we can and do collect data on just about every aspect of our lives and when it comes to Motor Vehicle Crashes here in Montana, it's vitally important to follow the data. Here's a infographic from the Montana Department of Health and Human Services that was put together by Epidemiologist Hanna Yang. What stands out to you?

As I write this there have been 227 lives lost on Montana roads in 2021 (As of December 6, 2021) This time last year (2020) we were at 197 lives lost. Total lives lost in 2019 was 184 so we are obviously going in the wrong direction.

What's the answer? Two things. Help do your part by Always wearing your seatbelt and always driving 100% Sober.
How does this help? It helps in a couple ways. One, about all else, wearing your seatbelt is your best defense against "The other drivers" and, two, you help set the example of other younger drivers and passengers. More stuff is caught than taught and if you want to help protect your kids, show them the way. When it's their turn to drive, they will do as you have always done despite what you say.
Montana has Vision Zero. We are working toward Zero Deaths and Zero Serious Injuries on our roadways. In order to accomplish this, we need you. We need you to get to where you are going safely. Buckled up and sober.
Thank you and Drive Safe Missoula.