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Dry January and why you should consider participating.

Dry January, or the practice of abstaining from alcohol for the month of January, is a growing trend among adults, especially in the United States. This trend has a number of benefits, one of the most important is a potential reduction in the risk of DUI-related crashes.

Beer being poored fom a bottle into two glasses.  The back ground is blury but it appears to be in a bar.

The primary benefit of Dry January is that it reduces the risk of DUI-related crashes. This is especially important in the United States, where alcohol-related traffic fatalities account for nearly 33% of all traffic fatalities each year. Here in Montana, it's over 50%. As of December 27th, 2022 there were 195 roadway fatalaties, 100 of whick involved impaired driving.

By abstaining from alcohol during the month of January, individuals can reduce their risk of being involved in an alcohol-related crash. This is especially important for individuals who may be more prone to drinking and driving, such as college students and young adults.

In addition to reducing the risk of DUI-related crashes, Dry January can also have a number of other benefits. For example, abstaining from alcohol can provide individuals with an opportunity to reset their drinking habits. This can help individuals to establish healthier drinking habits and reduce their overall alcohol consumption. Additionally, abstaining from alcohol can also provide individuals with an opportunity to save money, as they are not spending money on alcohol during the month. Oh, and DUIs are not cheap. According to the average cost of a DUI here in Montana is $3601.

Guy sittin in the driver's seat of his vehicle blowing into an interlock device that checks his breath for the presence of alcohol.  If alcohol is detected the vehicle will not start.
Also, by not getting a DUI, you'll never have to worry about blowing into an Interlock device to start your car

Finally, abstaining from alcohol can also provide individuals with an opportunity to focus on their physical and mental health. Abstaining from alcohol can help individuals to get a better night's sleep, as well as improve their overall physical and mental health. This can help individuals to better manage their stress and anxiety, as well as improve their overall wellbeing.

Jill Valley and our friends at KPAX, here in Missoula, just did a story on "Dry Janurary" check it out. Doctor explains benefits of "Dry Janurary" for Montanans

Overall, Dry January can provide individuals with a number of benefits, the most important of which is a reduction in the risk of DUI-related crashes. Additionally, Dry January can also provide individuals with an opportunity to reset their drinking habits, save money, and focus on their physical and mental health. Thus, Dry January is a great way for individuals to improve their overall wellbeing and reduce their risk of DUI.

Thank for your consideration in participating in Dry January. You are helping make our community safer.



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Drive Safe Missoula

Missoula Public Health
301 W. Alder
Missoula, MT  59802


Coordinator: Steve Schmidt

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