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My #1 video for Parents

This is my top video that could save your kids life. Now and in the future, but it's up to you.

Quick Tip: You can speed the video up on Youtube so you can get through it faster.

Thanks for watching and thank you for being a safe driver now and for our future.

Drive Safe Missoula Logo.   It's a black Montana state license plate with yellow roadway dashes that make up the letter I in Drive and the letter I in Missoula.



Missoula Public Health Logo

Drive Safe Missoula

Missoula Public Health
301 W. Alder
Missoula, MT  59802


Coordinator: Steve Schmidt

Missoula County Logo

Disclaimer: Some content on this website, including text, images, videos, and audio, may have been created or enhanced using artificial intelligence technology.

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