"This program has changed my entire life for the better."
ROAD Court (Responsibility, Opportunity and Accountability for Drivers)

Missoula County ROAD Court is designed to provide an alternative to the traditional method of DUI sentencing in court. ROAD Court is intended to facilitate the rehabilitation of adults convicted of alcohol and drug-related traffic offenses by placing them in an appropriate continuum of treatment and closely monitoring them to ensure abstinence and reducing the opportunity for recidivism. Participants are required to make regular court appearances, meet with a probation officer, the court coordinator and submit to frequent and random drug and alcohol testing including urinalysis, breathalyzer and continuous alcohol monitoring. By holding participants accountable for their actions, addressing chemical dependency and co-occurring issues ROAD Court aims to reduce recidivism, make roads safer and save lives.
ROAD Court has been funded through the Montana Department of Transportation for the past two years which has allowed us to work with individuals charged out of Missoula County Justice Court. Recently, ROAD Court received a three-year DUI Enhancement Grant from the Bureau of Justice Assistance that will allow us to expand our services into Missoula Municipal Court with the goal of serving up to 50 participants a year.
Working with ROAD Court since the inception of the program, it has been incredibly moving to see the changes that participants go through. Watching them gain confidence, self-esteem and pride in who they are and what they can accomplish through sobriety is the most rewarding part of working for ROAD Court.
For more information on ROAD Court, please visit: https://www.missoulacounty.us/government/civil-criminal-justice/justice-court/road-court
Lives Changed
“This program has changed my entire life for the better. I was merely existing on a daily basis before entering the program. On top of the sobriety I have achieved with the help of ROAD Court, I have learned to be my own advocate. I have learned that I will be “okay” even if I’m not feeling “okay” in the moment. I finally believe in myself and my future. My once shattered life now consists of a box full of tools for the tough times, self-love, confidence and self-respect. I no longer have to say, “tomorrow I will do better” because now, every day is better than I could have imagined.” – ROAD Court Graduate
“During the past year I have learned sobriety. I have faced problems that could have jeopardized my growth in living a sober life but instead I was able to work through them with an amazing team and supportive group.” – ROAD Court Graduate
“I started the program thinking I’d just go through the motions and go on my merry way; a few weeks in I became thankful that I got my DUI and embraced my sobriety and all it has to offer… doing ROAD Court was one of the greatest things I’ve ever been a part of.” – ROAD Court Graduate
DUI Task Force
The Missoula County DUI Task Force is honored to partner with ROAD Court. Helping people, saving lives, and working to make our roads safer...I love it.