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Seat Belts Are Good For Business!

Don't take my word for it. Check this out.

According to the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS) Cost of Crashes report for 2019, the average fatal crash costs an employer $751,382. This is over ten times more costly than the average cost for a non-fatal injury ($75,176), which is over fourteen times more expensive than property damage only crash ($5,483). Wearing a seat belt could be the difference between a fatal crash and property damage only crash. Wearing a seat belt is good for business and could make a $740,000 difference.

Graph showing the cost of a crash for employers based on severity.  A crash fatality costs an employer on average $751,382.  A Non-fatal injury crash costs, on average, $75,176.  A property damage only crash costs, on average, $5483.  Wearing a seat belt could be make a $744,000 difference.

It's important to have a workplace policy that makes seat belt usage in company vehicles and vehicles driven while on the clock, mandatory.

If you have a fleet or drivers working for your company. Here's some good things to go over with your drivers that will help save you and your company money.

Be sure they always drive in a safe manner. That means:

  1. Buckled Up

  2. 100% Sober

  3. Free from distractions

  4. In Control

I'm assuming you want your drivers to be in control of their driving and you don't want another driver to have any control of them or your vehicles, am I correct? One of the top ways to maintain control and not give it to another driver is to always Avoid Tailgating! When someone tailgates or drive too close to the car in front of them, they are putting the driver in front of them in control of the situation. If the front vehicle brakes, the tailgating vehicle is forced to brake or swerve to avoid a collision. That means the tailgating vehicle is out of control. I'm assuming you want your driver's to be in control, yes?

If your driver's give themselves space, they don't have to react to other driver's actions. You have time to respond to their actions. There is a difference between reacting and responding. When your driver's are forced to react, the other person forced their hand it, when you respond, you are in control and you can choose how you want to respond, despite the other person. Which one do you want?

Tailgating doesn't get driver's to a location any faster. It's dangerous, makes other drivers upset. This creates a bad image for your company. It also puts a lot of unnecessary wear and tear on your vehicles and this cost you money.

Also, remember, the speed limit is just that...the upper most limit. It doesn't mean that we have to drive that speed. If something goes wrong, the slower we are moving, the more time we have to respond and this is safer.

Thanks for caring about your business, your drivers, and for all those who share the road with your company. Thanks for helping lead by example.

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