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Shall we play a game?

Question #1

Is this a bad choice for your child's next car seat?

  1. No, because It's a free car seat. Buckle Up Kid!

  2. Yes, because I don't know the history of this car seat.

  3. Yes, because It may have been in a crash.

  4. Yes, because It may be expired.

  5. Yes, because It likely doesn't come with the owner's manual

  6. Yes, because It's not registered to me, it may be recalled

  7. Yes, It might just have cooties

  8. 2 though 7 are correct along with a bunch of other reasons.

Answer: 8 2 through 7 are correct. Avoid this seat at all costs. Unless you are like me and you stop to pick up this seat to dispose of it as a community service.


Question #2

Why are these children in danger?

  1. Their favorite cartoon characters are about to materialize outside the car windows, desperately seeking the child's help to defeat an evil villain threatening their animated world.

  2. There is an asteroid headed straight for earth and only the cast from the movie Armageddon can save them.

  3. A swarm of flying cupcakes are about to appear out of nowhere, threatening to cover the children in frosting and sprinkles. MMMM, sprinkles.

  4. There isn't a chest clip that should be properly positioned at arm pit level.

  5. Nothing, except that they are all just so cute that they are about to get mauled by a snuggle monster. Snuggle. Snuggle. Snuggle.

Answer: Number 4! There isn't a check clip properly positioned at arm pit level on their harnesses. A properly positioned and locked chest clip is a vital part of a car seat system and should never be removed or altered. If the chest clip is ever damaged, contact the manufacture of the car seat as it may be replaceable, but never use the car seat without the chest clip.


Question #3

Can you spot what is wrong with these?

  1. Yes. The poor children must have been told a dad joke and their laughter is only encouraging him.

  2. Hey...There's no chest clips here either.

  3. Puffy....Puffy Jackets....Yeah, that's got to be it.

  4. They are all Montana Grizzly fans yet they aren't wearing awesome Griz Gear!

  5. 2 & 3 are correct.

Answer: 5 is the correct answer, even though they might all technically correct, (Just ask my wife about the dad joke part), the real answer is #2, for the same reasons as the last question and #3...Puffy Jackets. Why? The puffy coat can compress during a crash and the child could slip out of under the harness (especially if there isn't a chest clip properly installed and positioned). We want the belts to be as close to bone as possible. Same with adults. Belts to bone.


Question 4 - Bonus Question

What movie is the line "Shall we play a game?" from?

  1. Searching for Bobby Fisher

  2. Remember the Titans

  3. Champions

  4. War Games

Here in Missoula we have a lot of resources to make sure your child's car seat is installed properly. I have personally found that 81% of car seats I've checked, here in Missoula, in the last 2 years have not been installed correctly.

Check out for information about local car seat fitting stations and how to work with a Child Passenger Safety (CPS) technician to ensure your child is riding as safely as possible.



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Drive Safe Missoula

Missoula Public Health
301 W. Alder
Missoula, MT  59802


Coordinator: Steve Schmidt

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