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Were you one of the 4417 people observed wearing their seatbelt in Missoula recently?

If you were, you were among the 92.19% of all buckled up occupants observed at 11 different locations around Missoula recently.

Out the 4971 total vehicles observed 374 or 7.81% were not wearing their seatbelts.

Pickup trucks historically have a lower seat belt use percentage than all other vehicles, however it is increasing. This year 87.95% of pickup truck occupants were wearing seatbelts. This is up slightly from 2019.

Why is this important?

If you look at the current stats for the entire state of Montana, as of October 5, 2020 of the 151 lives lost on Montana roadways, 75 were improperly restrained. That means if those 75 people were properly restrained, our death toll could possibly be half of what it is right now.

Drive Safe Missoula supports the efforts of the Montana Department of Transportation's Vision Zero initiative of Zero Deaths and Zero Serious Injuries on our roadways. To see this vision, we need you to get there.

Thank You and Drive Safe, Missoula.



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Drive Safe Missoula

Missoula Public Health
301 W. Alder
Missoula, MT  59802


Coordinator: Steve Schmidt

Missoula County Logo

Disclaimer: Some content on this website, including text, images, videos, and audio, may have been created or enhanced using artificial intelligence technology.

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