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Missoula County Justice Court's DUI Court is known as ROAD Court (Responsibility, Opportunities, Accountability for Drivers) and is designed to provide an alternative to the traditional method of adjudicating DUI cases.
It is currently led by Justice of the Peace Landee Holloway and supported by a team of professionals from the legal, law enforcement, and treatment and social science research communities.
ROAD COURT is designed to facilitate the rehabilitation of adults accused or convicted of alcohol and drug-related traffic offenses.
Visit the County's ROAD Court webpage HERE.
The Missoula County ROAD Court and Drive Safe Missoula's DUI Task Force have been key partners in helping keep Missoula's roadways safer for all of us.
ROAD Court Referral Form
(Document Download)
ROAD Court Participant Handbook
(Document Download)
ROAD Court Contract
(Document Download)
"This program has changed my entire life for the better. I was merely existing on a daily basis before entering this program. On top of the sobriety I have achieved with the help of Road Court, I have learned to be my own advocate. I have learned that I will be “okay” even if I’m not feeling “okay” in the moment. I finally believe in myself and my future. My once shattered life now consists of a box full of tools for the tough times, self-love, confidence and self-respect. I no longer have to say, "tomorrow I will do better," because now, every day is better than I could have ever imagined."
- DUI Court Graduate
Contact ROAD Court

DUI courts
reduce recidivism
by 60%*
DUI court participants are 19 times less likely to reoffend
2 Million+
US Drivers with
3 or more DUI Convictions
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